Accessories, Seats & Badges
3.5mm allen key
This is the unusually sized 3.5mm allen key you need for most original gear and clutch cable trunn..
3mm allen key
This 3mm allen key. They do not fit the oddly sized 3.5mm trunnions that were standard on Lambrett..
Air filter box maintenance sticker: Lambretta Series 1 framebreather
Air filter maintenance sticker: Lambretta Series 1 framebreather. Made in Italy, Italian only...
Air filter box maintenance sticker: late series 1, all series 2
Air filter maintenance sticker: late series 1, all series 2..
Air filter box maintenance sticker: Series 3, DL/GP, and J range
Air filter maintenance sticker for all Series 3, DL/GP, and J range Lambretta. Made in Ita..
Bag hook: Series 1-2
My favorite accessory. This bag hook uses your existing hardware to mount below the handlebars insid..
Bag hook: Series 3
My favorite accessory. This bag hook uses your existing hardware to mount below the handlebars insid..
Bench seat cover, blue: Giuliari 'Wide-back' frame
Dark blue dual cover for 'Wide-back' Giuliari Lambretta TV175 seats. There are a million different L..
Bench seat cover, red: Giuliari 'Wide-back' frame
Red dual cover for 'Wide-back' Giuliari Lambretta TV175 seats. There are a million different Lambret..
Bench seat cover: Black
Bench seat cover in black. As found on Series 3 SX and Li Special Lambretta. Highest quality seat co..
Bench seat cover: Blue
Bench seat cover in blue. As found on Series 2-3 TV Lambretta. Highest quality seat cover available...
Bench seat cover: DL/GP Giuliari
Bench seat cover for DL/GP seat frames in black. Highest quality seat cover available. Made in Italy..
Bench seat cover: Green
Bench seat cover in green. As found on Series 3 Li Golden Specials. Highest quality seat cover avail..
Bench seat cover: Red
Bench seat cover in red. As found on Series 3 SX200 Lambretta. Highest quality seat cover available...
Bench seat cover: Red/Cream
Bench seat cover in red and cream. Highest quality seat cover available. Made in Italy by Casa Lam..
Bench seat cover: Serveta 'El Tigre' black series 2
Bench seat cover in black. As found on Serveta series 2 Lambretta. Highest quality seat cover availa..
Bench seat cover: Serveta 'El Tigre' black series 3
Bench seat cover in black. As found on Serveta series 3 Lambretta. Highest quality seat cover availa..
Bench seat cover: TV1
Bench seat cover in black. As found on Series 1 TV175. Highest quality seat cover available. Made in..
Bench seat frame latch
Attaches to the frame and secures the bench seat. For any Series 1-3 Lambretta equipped with a bench..